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The EARS WA4IWLetter



Did you ever sit back and reflect on events which affected your life? The Holy Bible speaks of destiny, such as in "share a common destiny", "what they were destined for", "know quite well that we were destined", and others. The Holy Quran says that "Every man's fate (is) fastened on his own neck (to be read) on the Day of Judgment". Hindus and Buddhists speak of "karma" whereby a person's actions determine their destiny. Such universal belief in fate or destiny transposes it well beyond the scope of "luck" (good or bad) and into the realm of faith in a Supreme Being.

My interest in radio was spawned by an uncle who was a Navy radioman in WW I. He scrounged up some wire for the coil of my first crystal set. My dad bought a used Hallicrafters S-40A, and that got me SWLing. An article in our weekly newspaper led me to a Field Day site. Several of those operators helped me earn my Novice ticket. DXing peaked my interest in geography, and a desire to work overseas. During my final stint overseas I met and married Yuli. Fate? Well, let me tell of several instances when Someone Else must have been guiding the events.

My driver, Asep, and I had just entered the toll road about 50 miles east of Jakarta when the front left wheel of our Daihatsu Taft started spitting out ball bearings! In the middle of nowhere, and I had to be at the Jakarta Airport in two hours. I gave Asep what cash I could, stood by the highway and stuck out my left hand and thumb, begging a ride. The first car honked as it passed, but the second car stopped! Al-though the couple inside were from hundreds of miles away, they were willing to help--taking me right to the airport terminal. He had to be watching over me!

Yuli and I first entered the States together in April 1995, at which time processing for her "green card" started. Our plans that the card would be mailed to her in care of our friends in Virginia met a snag when we received a letter from INS, telling her to report to their Arlington, VA office for further processing. We grumbled over the inconvenience and scheduled another trip Stateside for early September. In mid-August, some very unusual "floaters" appeared in my left eye. So, when we returned to Virginia, I went to an eye doctor, who immediately sent me to a retina specialist. Laser surgery repaired the retina tear that had caused those floaters. Now, if all had gone well with Yuli's green card application, we would not have come back to the States, I would not have followed up on that eye "incident", and I might be blind in my left eye today. Again, I believe He was watching over me.

Back in Central Java, I happened to work Bob Stankus, K4NV, on 17 meters. Bob lived in East Englewood and he claimed that Englewood was the best place in Florida to live in. Cold turkey, Yuli and I arrived here March 1996, met with Bob's recommended realtor and contractor, bought our tract of land and had our home built. Plus we met some of the nicest people we've ever known in our lives. Fate? Destiny? No. I know He was guiding every move.

Thank you, one and all, for opening your hearts and making us feel at home here--truly in Paradise!

"Merry Christmas", "Happy Chanukah" and "Selamat Ramadan".

73 de Jack, W4JS


The next EARS meeting will be held 17 December at the Englewood United Methodist Church, 700 East Dearborn St. Officers' meeting will be held in the church's library at 6 pm. The business meeting will start at 7:30 pm in Room 400. The Nominating Committee will present its report. The program will be a discussion of personal and home security by Metro Crime Prevention of Florida. Please bring spouses, as women are more high profile potential crime victims than are we Old Timers. And, how about dessert at Denny's afterwards!


The EARS weekly net meets on the WB0GUX repeater (146.700) at 7:30 pm every Friday except the third Friday, which is our meeting night. VOLUNTEERS ARE SORELY NEEDED FOR NET CONTROL! Contact Don Spencer, WA4IWL, Net Manager, if you can help. Recent net activity follows:

Date NCS Check-Ins

12 Nov KA4JKY George 17

26 Nov WA4IWL Don 11

03 Dec W1PZE George 13

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Minutes of the Meeting

November 19, 1999

President Jack Sproat, W4JS, called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm local time with the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag. Guests Blaine Bennett, W4BNS, and Jeanna Bennett, KB4TVI, were introduced and welcomed to the meeting. Don DiBello, KF4WJW, upgraded to General Class at our VE session in October. There were no new members to introduce.

Copies of the K8ONV page from QRZ, brought to the meeting by Free, W1NPR, had a nice picture of Mary Ryden and a brief history of her activities as a radio amateur. The write-up states that EARS has acquired the call K8ONV as its club callsign to perpetuate the memory of Mary Ryden. (Ed. note: This page was prepared by EARS member Ken Blackshaw, W1NQT.)

Free, W1NPR, made a motion to forego reading of the minutes of last month's meeting. Seconded by Bobby Benkovich, KF4YOW, and carried.

Howard, KD4MMY, gave the Treasurer's report, and made a motion for its approval. Second by Larry, W4ERN, and carried. The report was filed with the Secretary.


ARRL MEMBERSHIP - We need to determine the percentage of our members that belong to ARRL. Please note on sign-in sheet.

BADGES - Orders will be placed this month. Get your orders in as soon as possible.

CHRISTMAS PARTY - December 13th, at Rotonda Country Club. 40 reservations to date.

BOCA GRANDE - Jack reported on the Triathlon and noted those who participated: K9HUY, W4JS, W4JQT, W1AMU, WL7CKY, and K2JWE.

LIAISON - Jack is working to set up liaison with other clubs. John Fyke, VE6AIV, agreed to do for the Tamiami ARC.


SUNSHINE - Gene, KA1GCU - No report.

RACES - Ken, W4JQT, gave the RACES report.

TESTING - No testing tomorrow.

TRAINING - Ken, W4JQT, gave this report.

DX - Jack, W4JS, gave the DX report.

HAMFEST - Frank, W4VV, gave the hamfest report, and asked for help distributing flyers at any hamfests attended.

NOMINATION COMMITTEE - A nominating committee has been appointed. The members are: Jerry Meckenberg, K2JWE, Dennis Babcock, NT9K, and Don Dold, KD9SJ.


Gabe Meckenberg, K2GQU, made a motion for EARS to contribute to ARRL's Frequency Defense Program. Seconded by Don DiBello, KF4WJW, and carried. Gabe then made a motion that the amount to be donated to ARRL from the club be $50.00. Second by Bert Van Houten, W3TPW, and carried.

Sel, WB1CYM, asked for directions to the Christmas party location. Information will be in the next newsletter.

Howard, WB8IGU, asked for support for the Snow Bird Net on 20 and 40 meters.

At 8:22 pm, Dennis, NT9K, made a motion to adjourn. Second by Bill, W2OJ, and carried. There were 40 members and 2 guests in attendance.


The program was given by Keith Herve, WL7CKY, on the Auto Packet Reporting System (APRS). Keith also had a nice demonstration set up with a laptop computer.

Ken Anderson, W4JQT



The EARS VE Team offers ARRL VEC license exams at 9:30 am the 3rd Saturday of each month at the Chamber of Commerce building, 601 South Indiana Avenue, Englewood. Two-day advance reservation is required--no more walk-in only.

Candidates must bring:

(1) Original license and a copy of that license.

(2) Original CSCE's and a copy of each CSCE.

(3) FCC Licensee ID No. or Social Security card.

(4) Two forms of identification.

(5) A check in the amount of $6.45 payable to "ARRL VEC", or cash in the above amount.

For further information and reservation, contact Jack Sproat, W4JS, at 475-1929


145.130 (-) WB4NJV SERC/Venice

146.700 (-) WB0GUX Englewood (T)

146.730 (-) WB4NJV Sarasota ERC (A)

146.745 (-) K4IB Charlotte Co. CD

146.775 (-) K0DGF Englewood (T)

146.910 (-) W4IE Sarasota ARA (A)

146.925 (-) WA9NLA Pt. Charlotte

147.015 (+) WB9JTK Pt. Charlotte

147.255 (+) WA3DUX Peace River

444.625 (+5 mc) K0DGF Englewood (T)

444.700 (+5 mc) WA4ISB Venice

(T) = 77 Hz PL tone (A) = Autopatch


The Snowbird Net meets daily at 10 am, 11:45 am and 5:45 pm on 14.278, and at 7:00 pm on 7.230. Most of the Birds are with us now, so join in and advise the reluctant few up North on what's happening here on the Suncoast!


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(Ed. note: The following were received by Ken Anderson, W4JQT, from Paul London, KI4XZ, with the request that they be printed in the December WA4IWLetter. We are complying with that request.)

Dateline 11 November 1999: "The Charlotte County RACES/ARES nets will be held the last consecutive Wednesday and Thursday in December. The dates are December 29 and 30, 1999. These dates are opportune as last minute Y2K information will be available to the RACES membership. The nets will be conducted on their usual frequency and time. RACES has been requested to activate the Emergency Management EOC communications system on the evening of December 31, 1999. Other Charlotte County tactical or special needs locations may need to be activated. Contact Paul London (637-0179) or Frank Kouri (474-8911) if you will be available."

Dateline 17 November 1999: "Every CC RACES radio operator was called and informed that a special net would be conducted tonite (17 November). During the year 1999 CC very fortunately escaped being impacted by mother nature hurricane forces. Upon being alerted for these incidents as well as a recent CC SET, it became very apparent that the CC RACES enrollment consists of quantity rather than quality. We were very luck to have been able to have all the tactical locations staffed upon being alerted. If the alerts had been extended or if the storm did impact the county and we needed operators for a second shift or more, this is what we found out. There are 68 pool operators in our roster and only 8, repeat 8, responded and offered their services. We did not have enough people available. In other words our system was found to be broken and needed fixing.

"The lessons learned were that many CC RACES operators made no effort to participate in the events at hand. Also, many of these same RACES operators never ever checked into the two monthly RACES nets. These nets are the Wednesday nite information and training net and the Thursday morning county-wide emergency net. In fact the lack of interest was so severe that the October Wednesday night net had just 13 check-ins from the entire county. Therefore further comments are not needed.....only corrective measures.

"It is understood that attending every RACES function may not be possible. However what will be expected is that everyone enrolled in CC county RACES at every level will be expected to fulfill a degree of participation that will keep them abreast of ongoing RACES net information and to participate when needed for emergency communications duty.

"What every RACES member needs to realize is that emergency communications has a bottom line. If it fails or is not available there is a strong likelihood someone could die or that major property damage could result. You are aware RACES is mandated by United States Congress. Administered by FEMA and conducted at state level down to county level. CC emergency management personnel are not engaged in child's play. They are very serious about their responsibility to the people of CC. Their response and actions can save lives and property. This has been proven due to emergencies in other Florida counties and in other states. Without RACES they may not be able to perform the response that is required. Your serious involvement is therefore crucial and on a continuing basis. You are Wayne Sallade's communications insurance policy should the need arise.

"A number of meetings have taken place with both emergency management and selected RACES members. And here is a general outline how the CC RACES structure is going to be realigned.

1 - You will shortly receive a postcard with a questionnaire (Rcv'd week of 22 November)

2 - The pool operator group as it is presently structured will be discontinued and every RACES member will be assigned to a tactical location in his/her general area. Tactical locations are those locations that have permanent CC county-owned RACES equipment installed. You will be expected to learn the location of the equipment, how to operate it and to keep it in operating condition.

3 - Exceptions will be RACES members who are employed full time and they will be assigned as reserve pool operators.

4 - The post card questionnaire will ask (Of interest to recipients only)

5 - The next RACES manual will have a modified restricted area access permit located as page one in the new manual. The manual will be dated to be valid to April 30, 2001. This will be just before the start of the next hurricane season. The permit page will note that for access to a restricted area your CC emergency management yellow I.D. card will have a dated validation sticker near the photo corresponding to the issue date of the manual. The photo validation stickers will be applied to your I.D. card at the annual RACES meeting where you will receive your new manual. You will need to visit the emergency management secretary to obtain the manual and I.D. card validation if you do not attend the meeting.

"These changes and policy are being made with the approval of Wayne Sallade, Director Charlotte County Emergency Management."

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17-18 Dec Columbia County Hamfest & Computer Show, American Legion Hall, Lake City. Info: Colen, WA5RKR (904)755-7969

07-08 Jan Gainesville Hamfest/Computer Show, Alachua County Fairgrounds, SR-222 1/2 mile E of SR-24. TI: 146.82 Info: Thom, KF4I (352)378-9711

08-09 Jan Ft Myers Hamfest/Computer Show, Shady Oaks Community Center, 3280

Marion St, 1 block S of Rt 80; I-75 to Exit 25, go W, turn N on Palmetto Ave, turn W on Marion. TI: 146.88, 147.345, Info: Doug, N8SAQ (941)542-4741

(From December 1999 QST, and December 1999 CQ)


This was the last year for the "Suncoast Amateur Radio and Computer Convention" (i.e., the Tampa Hamfest) to be held at the Florida State Fairgrounds in Tampa. The sponsor, Florida Gulf Coast Amateur Radio Council, stated that lately the expenses have over shadowed the income. No question but that it was getting very expensive to attend this affair, what with $4 for parking, $7 for the hamfest entry and another $5 for the adjacent computer show, the personal expenses were overshadowing the benefits to those attending!

The next "Tampa Hamfest" will be held 02-03 December, 2000 at the Manatee Convention and Civic Center on US 301 in Palmetto. At least the parking there will be free!


145.130 (-) WB4NJV SERC/Venice

146.700 (-) WB0GUX Englewood (T)

146.730 (-) WB4NJV Sarasota ERC (A)

146.745 (-) K4IB Charlotte Co. CD

146.775 (-) K0DGF Englewood (T)

146.910 (-) W4IE Sarasota ARA (A)

146.925 (-) WA9NLA Pt. Charlotte

147.015 (+) WB9JTK Pt. Charlotte

147.255 (+) WA3DUX Peace River

444.625 (+5 mc) K0DGF Englewood (T)

444.700 (+5 mc) WA4ISB Venice

(T) = 77 Hz PL tone (A) = Autopatch


The Snowbird Net meets daily at 10 am, 11:45 am and 5:45 pm on 14.278, and at 7:00 pm on 7.230. Join in and advise those not migrating this year of what's happening here on the Suncoast!



A number of locals received their copies of the 2000 Radio Amateur Callbook the first week of December. Printed callbooks are no more, so you need a com-puter to access Callbook info as it's on a CD-ROM.

Some features worth noting are:

o more than 1,550,000 callsigns in more than 250 countries, islands and dependencies

o an EDIT feature allows users to input up-to-date information on certain callsigns

o more than 35,000 e-mails listings are given

Interestingly, while published in Lakewood, NJ, the Callbook CD-ROM is manufactured in Germany.


To celebrate the 72nd birthday of His Majesty the King of Thailand, HS1A, on 05 December, Thailand's Amateur Radio Society will be using the special callsign HS72A until 31 December.

(From 01 December 1999 W5YI Report)


On 31 October the American amateur census shows the following distribution:

Extra 75,313

Advanced 103,522

General 110,534

Tech+ 133,492

Technician 200,790

Novice 53,086

Total 676,737

(From 01 December 1999 W5YI Report)

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Contest/Special Event Times/Dates Bands/Modes QSO With Exchange
ARRL 10-Meter Contest 0000 GMT 11 Dec

2400 GMT 12 Dec

10 Meters Only


Anyone, Anywhere R/S/(T) + QTH
Czech DX RTTY Contest 18 December 80 - 10 Meters


Anyone, Anywhere R/S/T + CQ Zone
Croatian CW Contest 1400 GMT 18 Dec

1400 GMT 19 Dec

160 - 10 Meters

CW Only

Anyone, Anywhere R/S/T + Serial No.
Stew Perry Top Band Distance Challenge 1500 GMT 18 Dec

1500 GMT 19 Dec

160 Meters

CW Only

Anyone, Anywhere 4-digit Grid Square
RAC Winter Contest 0000 GMT 19 Dec

2400 GMT 19 Dec

160 - 2 Meters


Anyone, Anywhere R/S/(T) + Serial No.
International Naval Contest 1600 GMT 18 Dec

1559 GMT 19 Dec

80 - 10 Meters


Anyone, Anywhere R/S/(T) + Serial No.
ARRL Straight Key Night 0000 GMT 01 Jan

2359 GMT 01 Jan

80 - 10 Meters

Straight Key CW

Anyone, Anywhere "SKN" + "Whatever"
Japan International DX Contest 2200 GMT 07 Jan

2200 GMT 09 Jan

160 - 40 Meters

CW Only

Japanese Stations Only R/S/T + Serial No.
ARRL RTTY Roundup 1800 GMT 08 Jan

2359 GMT 09 Jan

80 - 10 Meters


Anyone, Anywhere R/S/T + QTH
North American QSO Party 1800 GMT 08 Jan

0600 GMT 09 Jan

160 - 10 Meters

CW Only

North American Countries Only Name + QTH
North American QSO Party 1800 GMT 15 Jan

0600 GMT 16 Jan

160- 10 Meters

SSB Only

North American Countries Only Name + QTH

From December 1999 Worldradio, December 1999 CQ and December 1999 QST.


From the results shown in the December QST, the EARS Field Day effort brought us in sixth place for the South Florida Section in Class 2A, with a final score of 2,052 from 542 QSOs. Top 2A spot for SFL went to the Brandon ARS with their 830 Q's and score of 3,382. K8ONV is misprinted as K0ONV in the results, but we know who we are.

Our friends operating Tamiami ARC's W4AC are shown in second place in Class 1A nation-wide with, 8440 points--just 60 points behind first place. How-ever, we understand ARRL failed to grant W4AC any bonus points--which are due and coming--so the TARC boys should take the crown in that class.


With Sunspot Cycle 23 forecast to peak in mid-2000, this year's ARRL 10-Meter Contest could be the best one for a number of years to come. This is the 27th year for this, one of few, single-band contest. Why not join in the fun and action?

The contest runs from 7 pm Friday 10 December to 7 pm Sunday 12 December, and both phone and Morse can be used. A maximum of 36 hours operating time is permitted during the contest period.

Contest QSOs cannot be made within the 28.300 to 28.350 spectrum, which is designated a "contest-free zone". As contacts with Novice and Tech+ stations are worth 4 points, versus 2 points for all others, those stations will identify with a /N or /T after their calls. Multipliers are the total number of states, provinces, territories and DXCC countries worked.

Certificates will be awarded on a state-by-state basis, with a total of 10 certificates available per state. This should be a wide-open contest, so give it a go the second weekend of December.

(From "Contest Calendar", John Dorr, K1AR, December 1999 CQ)


While a number of our Canadian friends have the good sense to winter "south of the border", there are enough of their countrymen still up in the frozen northlands to make this a very active contest.

While everyone can work everyone in this 'test, QSOs with official RAC stations count 20 points, other Canadian stations are worth 10 points, but DX are only 2 points. Also, the multipliers are the number of Canadian provinces/territories. Support the VEs and join in the fun. (Ibid.)

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(Band/GMT for best chance of S5 or better signal)



BEARING 80 40 20 17 15 12 10
Guinea - 3XY2D

Macquarie Is - VK0LD

Vietnam - 3W6KM

Malawi - 7Q7BO

Maldives - 8Q7BX

Micronesia - V63LJ

Juan Fernandez - CE0Z

Burma - XZ0A

Now to 22 Dec

Now Active (??)

Now to 04 Jan

19 - 26 Dec

26 Dec - 03 Jan

26 Dec - 04 Jan

06 - 16 Jan

13 Jan - 06 Feb




































































Updated 02 December 1999, based on 06 December QRZ DX and 03 December The 59(9) DX Report.

Notes: NO = No opening forecast. ??? = Callsign not yet known. Long path bearings and opening times (if any) are underlined.

Solar Flux assumed at 190 and F-Index at 2 for all forecasts. Higher SF and lower F will improve propagation above 20 meters.


The solar activity for November was a good indicator that Cycle 23 is simmering along, albeit not as hot as Cycles 21 and 22. It appears that Cycle 23 is running about 25% below the level originally predicted by the world's solar experts. Cycle 23 is forecast to peak in mid-2000, so take advantage of what we have to work with..

November's Solar Flux averaged 191.7, and the A-index was < 10 for 14 days during November, with 10 meters being open world-wide 'most every day.

The December propagation forecasts ("Propagation" by George Jacobs, W3ASK, December 1999 CQ) follow:

From sunrise to sunset, look for generally good openings on the 10 and 12-meter bands and excellent DX conditions on 15, 17 and 20 meters. Conditions should peak towards Europe, Africa, and in a generally easterly direction an hour or two before noon, towards Central and South America and the Caribbean area from an hour or two after noon, and towards the Pacific, Australasia and the Far east during the late afternoon and into the sunset period.

From sundown to midnight look for DX openings towards the south and west on 12, 15 and 20 meters, and to most other areas of the world on 30, 40 and 80 meters. Fairly good DX openings on the 160-meter band should be possible towards the north, east and south.

From midnight to sunrise the best DX bands should be 40 and 80 meters, with openings also possible to many areas of the world on 20, 30 and 160 meters. Optimum conditions occur on 160, 80 and 40 meters about the time when the sun begins to rise in the easternmost terminal of the path.

Probable best DX days for remainder of month: 21-22, 25 December should be "Above Normal"; 18, 23-24 December should be "High Normal".


Cycle 23 has risen to a point where 6-meter F-2 layer DX openings may be possible to many areas of the world. When conditions are High or Above Normal, DX openings are likely on the 6-meter band. Conditions should peak towards Europe, Africa and a general easterly direction an hour two, towards Central and South America and the Caribbean from an hour or two after noon, and towards the west and southwest during the late afternoon and into the sunset period. The best time for TE openings is from 8 to 11 pm local time.

Meteor shower activity should result in improved meteor-scatter openings on the VHF bands for distances up to 1000 miles during December. The Geminids should begin 12 December and last about three days, with maximum intensity about 5 pm EST 13 December, with an estimated meteor rate of about one/minute. The Ursids is expected to take place 21-22 December, peaking at 2 am EST 22 December with a meteor rate of 15/hour.

(From "Propagation" by George Jacobs, W3ASK, December 1999 CQ)


Following the month-long operation of 3W6KM by the Tallinn Youth Radio Club, the operators will cross the border to Cambodia for activity from 05 January to 04 February--all bands and modes. QSL 3W6KM and the Cambodian operation via ES1AKM.

The XZ0A operation tabulated above will be from Thatay Khun Island in Andaman Sea off the southernmost tip of Burma. A total of 8 stations will be running FT-1000MPs and Alpha linears on 160-10 meters, RTTY, SSB and CW. The multi-national team has 24 operators. QSLs via W1XT.

Paul, K5RT is the new CQ WAZ Award Manager.

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We all know that ham radio suffers from a dearth of young people amongst our midst. While our hobby deals with communication, how capable are the "grey beards" in ham radio at communicating with young people on the latter's level? Beloit College in Wisconsin did address this generation gap, with interesting results. Who amongst us can converse with those young people born in 1981 who:

1. Can explain "cha-ching".

2. Know the profound meaning of "Wax on, wax off".

3. Know who Tina Yothers is.

4. Can hum the theme to "Inspector Gadget".

5. Wanted to be on "Star Search".

6. Wore banana clips or knew someone who did.

7. Owned Cabbage Patch dolls.

8. Know what Willis was "talkin' 'bout".

9. Hold a special place in their heart for "Back to the Future".

10. Thought Molly Ringwald was really cool.

11. Thought "Dirty Dancing" was a real good movie.

12. Remember when Atari was a state-of-the-art video game system.

13. Owned cassette singles.

14. Owned the Care Bear Glass collection from Pizza Hut.

15. Were freaked out by "Poltergeist".

Understand that those born in 1981 grew up with desktop computers, never heard anyone say "Book 'em Dano", "Kiss mah grits" or "I'd walk a mile for a Camel", and to them the term "adult" usually means "dirty". (Now, if we expect these sorely-needed young people to master the language of Morse, is it not fair but that we "Old Timers" also master their more contemporary language and knowledge?)

(Adapted from "As the world turns, so history changes", The Kansas City Star reprinted in The Englewood Sun-Herald, 14 November 1999)


In late 1995 CQ VHF came on the market devoted to "Ham Radio Above 50 MHz". Under the guidance of editor Rich Moseson, W2VU, the result was a lively + 84-page VHF journal. Surveys showed the some 70% of the readers operated both HF and VHF.

When long-time editor of CQ, Alan Dorhoffer, K2EEK, died suddenly last summer, W2VU was appointed as the new editor of CQ. Publisher Dick Ross will now expand CQ by 32 pages for VHF coverage beginning with the January 2000 issue and the December 1999 issue of CQ VHF was its last..

(From December 1999 CQ and CQ VHF)

-- "I'M A NEW MEMBER" --

I see you at my meetings, but you never say "Hello".

You're busy all the time you're there, with those you already know.

I sit among the members, and yet I'm a lonely guy.

The new ones are as strange as I, but you old ones pass me by.

But, darn it, you folks asked us in and talked of fellowship--

You could just step across the room, but you've never made the trip.

Why can't you nod and say "Hello", or stop and shake my hand?

Then go sit amongst your friends--now that I'd understand.

I'll be at your next meeting, perhaps a nicer time to spend.

Do you think you could introduce yourself?


(Author unknown--but does it apply to us? From The Rite News, November 1999)


The map below should give sufficient guidance to the Hills Country Club on Rotonda Circle.

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