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Sprinterfest East
Saturday, April 25, 2015
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6th Annual SprinterFEST East - Information
What: 6th Annual SprinterFEST East
When: Saturday, April 25, 2015, 10:00a - 3:00p +++
Where: Sun Motor Cars, 6677 Carlisle Pike, Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 - back 40 parking lot.
Registration: http://softecusa.com/sprintereast.html
Camping: Dry camping is available @ Sun Motor Cars with Port-a-Johns available Fri-Sun.
- For those arriving on Friday, we will be meeting @ Fox's Automotive, 29 Cumberland St., Lebanon PA 17042. Marc Fails will be leading the tech session and besides discussing Sprinter diagnostic tools and a comparison of the different ones on the market and their application to the Sprinter, both T1N and NCV3, he is up to taking advanced questions to research and answer when you arrive. Send your questions to acmetoolcompany@gmail.com and Marc will incorporate them into the afternoon events. Plan on arriving 12:30-1:00, we will start with Burgers and dogs on the grill and see where we go from there. Should be a great time.
- Marc has a great background in anything Automotive, especially European vehicles. He is fully versed in Sprinters and his shop services Sprinters.
- After that we will all head over to Sun Motors with a stop in Hershey @ Tröegs Brewing Company for a bite to eat and a bit of beer sampling and then onto Sun Motors in Mechanicsburg for the night.
SATURDAY SPRINTERFEST: 10:00a - 3:00p +++
- This is going to be a great Sprinter day because we are going to touch on what goes Inside a Sprinter AND what is under the hood of a Sprinter. This is the best of both worlds for the DIY'ers who are building out their Sprinter to their personal likes AND to those wrench twisters who want to get their exercise under the hood. So...
10:00a - Lunch:
- We will start with a presentation from Mike Neundorfer of Advanced RV in Willoughby, Ohio, http://www.advanced-rv.com/. Mike's designs for the build out of an empty Sprinter to a fabulous rolling piece of form and function are unsurpassed. His integration of Tech and function keep up with the latest in proven electronics and materials to insure his Sprinters are the most "Advanced RV's" on the road today. We will hear what Advanced RV is doing in these areas with emphasis on electrical power (batteries, generator, maybe even Fuel Cell, etc), insulation, heating/AC (how do we heat/cool the beast and keep what we generate from escaping outside or what's outside from coming in), plumbing (how to get it in AND out, ugh!). All of this is pure form and function, what Advanced RV specializes in. There will be plenty of time for Q&A.
- Sponsored by Sun Motor Cars - Many thanks to Nick Walker for providing another Sprinter FEAST to fill our bellies. If you go away hungry it's your fault. Thanks Nick.
1:00p - 3:00p
- Presentation by Sun Motor Cars own expert Sprinter Techs addressing Sprinter maintenance issues and standard daily maintenance to keep your Sprinter on the road for many hundreds of thousands of miles. This will be a slide presentation open to questions (which I'm sure there will be many) followed by a tour of the Sun Motors dedicated 6 Sprinter maintenance bays and parts area. They will have a couple of different Sprinters up on lifts for a detailed look under the hood and body. What better time to get some pictures of the underside of a Sprinter so you can see what you need to do under your own Sprinter.
-The Sun Motor Sprinter Techs will be available for detailed discussions both during their presentation as well as during the tour of the Sprinter maintenance bays. This has always been a highlight of the past SprinterFEST East events and always well attended. This will be your chance to talk directly to the Sun Motors Mercedes trained Sprinter Techs and learn from those who maintain Sprinters on a daily basis. Ask yourself, when was the last time you talked directly to a trained Mercedes Sprinter Tech about your Sprinter. Don't miss this opportunity to do just that.
3:00p - Till the cows come home...:
- We will close the official SprinterFEST East event at around 3:00p with a drawing for prizes. There will be great prizes so stick around. After 3:00 we will circle the wagons for those who want to stick around and kick tires. We will order Pizza and have dinner under the stars in Sun Motors back 40 parking lot. In past years this has gone late into the evening with many dry camping right there and enjoying coffee, hot cakes and sausage, in the AM before departing.
Don't miss it. See you there.
For you left coasters that don't want to drive East for the SprinterFEST East event, don't miss the 10th Annual NW SprinterFest event on Saturday May 30th, 2015 at the Sprinter Store, Tualatin, OR 97062 (on the Left Coast). This coincides with the Portland Rose Festival.
Also, consider extending your visit to the PA/OH area and attend the Advanced RV, Advanced Fest & Open House 2015, May 1-3, Advanced RV, 4590 Hamann Parkway, Willoughby, Ohio 44094, http://www.advanced-rv.com/
Many thanks to one of our original SprinterFEST East attendee's from Florida, Freeman Crosby, for putting together the SprinterFEST East website, http://www.fcrosby.com/sfesteast// There are great links there to previous SprinterFEST East event pictures. See if you can find your Sprinter in them.
I look forward to seeing everyone again and meeting new Sprinter enthusiasts. See you there.
Thanks to our
Contributing Sponsors
For more information
Additions Welcome
An Informational only website for Sprinterfest East 2015